Wednesday, October 13, 2021

A Different Type of Body Dysmorphia

 I am, like most women, at odds with my body and how it looks in regard to my weight, and I do body check a lot. But something that actually gives me a little more distress is my skin. Never mind the acne, although I hate it, it's not my problem. My problem is that I actually have too much blank skin at this phase in my life and I hate it to the point I almost got a tattoo on impulse a couple weeks ago (thankfully I didn't because I had an even better idea of what to do with the space). In my mind's eye, how I actually picture myself, is so much more heavily tattooed than I actually am, and it sucks to look in the mirror and be dissatisfied with what I see because I can't realistically afford the work right now. When I look at the picture to the right, which is a Snapchat filter, I like what I see. I want a full throat tattoo, I've warmed to the idea of a chest piece. My neck and right arm are shamefully bare. I have nothing on my legs, my back. I don't even know if you can classify this as body dysmorphia, and I would hesitate to anyway, because body dysmorphic disorder is a real problem people have, but maybe it's somewhere in the spectrum of that? All I know is that the more tattoo work I get done, the more me I feel. 

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